Sunday, March 25, 2012

VNBW1-3 AND Checkpoint1-3

: Ex1: 1.1 Keiko: not really, my mom knitted if for me last year. 2. Keiko: No, I’m not really good with my hands 3. Keiko: Actually, no, my sister got it at the bakery. 4. Keiko: Well, no, I prefer to make peanut butter cookies. 2.1 Mike: Not really he does across word puzzles though. 2. Greg: no, but he has a big cap collection. 3. Greg: Um, no, he’s lazy and just watches TV all day. 4. Mike: Actually, no, my sister got it at the bakery. Ex2: 1. Not really. I don’t have a computer. 2. No I don’t really , um… I’m not really into photography. 3. No, 4. Well, not really Lesson D: Ex1: 1. (F) they have one thing in common. 2. (T) one reason camping is so popular is because it’s cheap. 3. (F) campers usually sleep very well at night. 4. (F) it’s cool now, but in the past not many young people played the game. 5. (F) a lot of young people got interested in learning chess when they saw at in the first harry potter movie. 6. (T) many schools have chess clubs, and there are national competitions every year. 7. (T) can even play against another person on the internet somewhere else in the world. Ex2: 1. Or. 2. Also 3. And 4. Because 5.or and 6.because 7. Or but 8. or Unit3: lesson A: Ex1: 1). Sandra: look; do; stay. Ashley: I’m not eat; exercising Sandra: are; are; taking Ashley: love; walking; are Ashley: are; went Sandra: going; 2). Ken: want; try; Doctor: are; eat; Ken: eat; love Doctor: are; get Ken: take; learn Doctor: are; do Ken: walk; playing Ex2: 1a. she’s drinking water. 1b. she’s exercising. 1c. trying to lose weight. 2a. she’s doing karate 2b. she’s eating fruit 2c. she’s playing tennis Ex3: 1. (F) I’m not drinking a lot of milk these days. I’m drinking a lot of soda. 2. (F) she’s not eats junk food. 3. (F) I’m taking classes right now. 4. (F) I’m sleep for seven hours a night. 5. (F)she’s not o stress in their lives. 6. (T) we doesn’t any exercise of all. Lesson B: Ex1a. fever; allergic; toothache; stomachache; cough; flu; sick; headaches Ex1b. Joe has a fever. Taro has a bag cough. Chad has a sick. Amy has a toothache. Jim and Liz has a allergic. Sara has a headaches. Joyce has a stomachache. Ex2: 1. what does Ann do when she has the flu? When Ann has the flu, she stays in bed. 2. What does Dan do when she has the a cold? If I get a really bad cold, I drink hot with honey. 3. What does Rick has a headaches? What doe Rick do when he has headaches 4. what does Pat do when she has a toothache? She has a toothache if really toothache if she has really a toothache Ex3: 1. What do you do when you are sick? When I’m sick I often get sick when eat shellfish 2. what do you do if you’re have a big cough? When I have a bad cough. I coughing go to in doctor. 3. what do you if you’re get a stomachache? if I get a stomachache. I don’t drink water and eat a lot 4. what do you do when you’re have a fever? When I have a take aspirin I usually take medicine. Lesson C: Ex1: Joan: Oh, no Do you sneeze a lot? Joan: headaches too? Do you take anything? Joan: Are you serious? You can’t study? Joan: You’re kidding! How come? Joan: Really? But how can you study when you feel sick? Ex2: 1b; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5a; 6b; 7b; 8a: Ex3: 1. No way! What kind of exercise do they do? 2. No way! 3. No way! Sometimes I sleep. Oh I don’t for 13,14 hours 4. No way! I never am alarm o’clock Unit4: lesson A: 1A: February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. 1B: 1. First 2. Third 3. Sixth 4. Seventh 5. Tenth 6. Twelfth. Ex3: 1. Sam: Are you going. Diane: I’m going to see, are going to have. Sam: it going to be. Diane: Are not doing, do, bake, take. 2. Yumi : are going to take Kara: going to be Yumi: isn’t going to go Kara: are going to walk Ex4: 1. you 2. them 3. Me; 4. Us; 5. Her; 6. Us; 7. You. Lesson B: Ex1: 1. wear a cap and gown, get a diploma. 2. Sing happy birthday, blow out the candle. 3. Go out for a romantic dinner. Give her chocolates 4. happy new year, see five works. 5. Exchange, have a reception. 6. wear a costume, go trick of treating. Ex2: 1. On May eighth, George is having lunch with his mother. 2. On May ninth, Ann is meeting for ginner at 8 o’clock 3. On May tenth, he is playing tennis after work. 4. On May eleventh, Joe is having lunch with his mother. 5. On May sixth, Yoga is working before. 6. On May thirteenth, Keith and Karen’s are going to wedding. 7. On May seventh, Jennifer’s going to party at 5 o’clock. Ex3: 1. It’s not going to be sunny. 2. It’s going to trick-or-treating. 3. It’s going to flowers. 4. It’s not going to fire works. 5. It’s going to diploma. 6. It’s going to be snow. Lesson C: Ex2: 1. I don’t know My girl friend usually surprises me on my birthday. 2. if depends I want to play chess. 3. I’m not sure. I’m not going to send mom Some flowers on her birthday. 4. maybe I want to go see the fireworks tonight. Lesson D: Ex1: 1. When is mother’s day. 3. Traditional ways to celebrate. 4. Why people Celebrate mother’s day. 5. I does for mother’s day. Unit5: lesson A: Ex1: 1. twenty ten-2010. 2. nineteen Oh-four-19-4. 3 . Two thousand eight- -2008, 4. Nineteen nine seventy -seven -1977. 5. 1982-nineteen eight two. 6. 2006-two thousand six. 7. 2013-two thousand thirteen 8 . 1998-nineteen ninety eight. Ex2: 1) 1. Rick: did. 2. Dina: did, didn’t, was, were. 3. Rick: did, were. 4. Dina: did, didn’t. 5. Rick: was. 2) 1. Thomas: were. 2. Grandma: was. 3. Thomas: were. 4. Grandma: wasn’t, was. 5. Thomas: were. 6. Grandma: were, was. 7. Thomas: did. 8. Grandma: didn’t, were. 9. Thomas: were. 10. Grandma: was, was. Ex3: 1.ago 2. in 3. ago 4. in. 5. when. 6. until. 7. then. 8. for. 9. long. 10. when. 11. For. 12. from 13. to. 14. last. 15. Ago. 16. in Ex4: 1. When were you born? I was born in 1994. 2. Where born were your parents? They were are born in 1964 to 1968. 3. Where did you grow up? 4. Who was your best friend ago five years? 5. Did you when were a child move ever? 6. Did you when were play video games little? 7. How you were long in elementary school? Lesson B: Ex1: 1A: 1. Chemistry 2. Art. 3. Computer studies 4. Physics 5. Drama. Ex2A: All, most, some, a lot of, a few, none. Ex2B: 1. Some, some of. 2. All of, lot of. 3. Most, a few. 4. Lot of, a few. Ex3: 1. Most of my friends liked P.E 2. all of the students P.E 3. a lot of in the students hated geometer. 4. some of in the my classmates loved. 5. no students friend failed in the exams. 6. a few students in the good math. Lesson C: Ex1: 1. Well not all of them Josie speaks three languages. 2. well at least most of them didn’t. 3. no wait I was nine. 4. actually, no, I was 18 when I quit. 5. well no perfect actually my bad lost his job. 6. actually no, it was 2002. 7. no wait her name was Santos 8. well no, I guess I spend some weekends with my grand parents. 9. well actually, it was dark born LETS GO BOLOROO Checkpoint “Units 1-3” 1 Teri: Hi. How are you doing ? Ruth: Not bad. Actually, I have a cold again. But I am OK Teri: Oh, that is too bad. So, what are you doing today? Ruth: My classmate Sally’s here. We are planning an end-of-term party. Everybody wants some live music this year. How about you? Are you doing anything special today? Are you listening to a CD? Teri: No, that is my brother. He is playing his guitar. He practice every morning. Ruth: Hey, Is he free on Saturday? Does he want to play at our party? We need somebody like him. Teri: Are you kidding? He is only ten! 2 1. I hate colds, and I get them a lot. Do you get a lot of colds? -Not really. I don’t really get sick too often. 2. Some friends and I go to jazz club every Monday. Do you want to join us next week? -Yeah, I do, actually. 3. I have to go to the hospital tomorrow. Can you come with me? -Yeah, I do, actually. 4. My dad wants to paint the house next weekend. Can you help him? -Not really. I am busy these day. 5. I love listening to Norah Jones. She is great! Do you like her, too? -Yeah, She is very wonderful singer. 6. I am reading a book about the material arts. Would you like to borrow it sometimes? -Not really. I do not like this. Types of music you really like Types of TV shows you often watch Hobbies you and your friends have Clothes you don’t like to wear Health problems you sometimes get Rock Sports Basketball Jacket Stomachache Pop Music Tennis Jeans Toothache Rap News Billiard Trousers Headaches Folk Cartoon Tetris Garment Sore 3 4 1. I like play basketball. 2. I do not enjoy football. 3. I am not good at play tennis. 4. I can not play softball. 5. I hate fly. 6. I am interested in magic. 5 Alice: Hi, Carl. How are things? Carl: Great, How’s school? Alice: Um actually, I am not at school this year. Carl: Yeah? I am too. So, what are you doing? Alice: Well, I am looking for a job right now. Carl: Really? What do you want to do? Alice: Well, I would like to play music in clubs, but – Carl: No way! What kind of music? Alice: Well, I play jazz. Carl: No! What instruments do you play? Alice: Saxophone and trumpet. But I really need to find someone to play with me. Carl: I play the piano. Now well, but I would love play in a band. Alice: You play the piano? That is great. Maybe we can practice together sometime. I am free this Friday. Carl: Are you serious? What is your phone number? Alice: It is 555-9003. OK, so call me. Oh, look at the time. Sorry, I have to go. Carl: Me too. I have my first piano lesson today! 6 -you meet your new neighbors for the first time? Hello? I am your new neighbor Oh really? It is -a new student joins the class and seems nervous? -the person next to you on the subway looks sick? -you meet someone interesting at a party? -you have an umbrella at a bus stop on a rainy day, and the person next to you is getting very wet? gogogo BOOJII Unit2: Lesson A: Ex1: 1. Reading; to read; reading 2. Work out; work out; working out 3. Dance; dancing; to dance 4. Drowing; drow; drow 5. Cooking; to c · Ex2: James: exercing Linda: playing James: to watch Linda: bowl James: swimming James: trying James: skinning Linda: go to · Ex3: 1. Well, I’m pretty good at learning languages. I can speak Portuguese and French. 2. I wouldn’t like to play musical instrument. 3. I want to watch cartoon. 4. I hate playing tennis. 5. I enjoys playing basketball weekends. 6. I hate to cats. Lesson B: 1. Folk music 2. Jazz 3. Hip hop 4. Laten music 5.classical music 6. Country music 7.pop music 8. Rock music · Ex2: 1. Me 2. Him 3. Them 4. Everybody 5. You 6. Her 7. It 8. Him 9. Us 10. No one · Ex3: 1. Yes, I do. She’s amazing. 2. No, I do. He’s not. 3. Yes, I do. I’m listen to rap. 4. No, I don’t. he isn’t know. 5. Yes, they are do. She is like parents like her. 6. Yes, I do. I like lat in music. 7. No, I don’t. he isn’t know. · Ex4: 1.yes,I like her a lot. She has some great songs. 2. No, I don’t . I don’t know-his. 3. Yes, I like a lot. She has some great songs. 4. No, I don’t. I don’t listen to pop music 5. No, I don’t. I don’t like folk music. 6. Yes, I do. I go to concert. 7. No, I don’t. I don’t know his. 8. No, there aren’t, I don’t know they. ook; to cook 6. Play; playing; playin Ilike english Work book Unit1: Lesson A: · Ex1a: Home and family School, Free time Neighborhood College fun Parents class tv Only child major movies · Ex1b: 1. yes, I am 2. Yes, she is 3. No, I am not 4. No, I haven’t 5. Yes, we are 6. yes, I’m 7. yes, she does 8. Yes, he is · Ex2: Koji: I’m ; Isabel: I’m , are ; Koji: I’m ; Koji: are ; Isabel: is ; Koji: they are , are ; Isabel: is ; Koji: she is , she is ; Isabel: is ; Koji: is · Ex3: 1. No, he is not. He’s from Los Angeles. 2. No, aren’t . They are French majors. 3. Yes, they are study in the evening. 4. Yes, he is . He’s a large family · Ex4: 1. What is your first name? My first name is Badamgaraw 2. Do you have a full time job? Yes, I do. I have full-time job. I work weekend. 3. Does your best friend live nearby? Yes, she does. She lives near here. 4. What do you do on weekends? I wash clothes and do homework. 5.where do you go for fun? I go to cinema. 6. What is your like teacher? I like teacher Bayarmaa. Lessen B: Ex1: 1. Butter 2. CD 3. Color 4. Singing 5.Pet 6. Dessert · Ex2: 1. I am too. 2. I can’t either. 3. I can too. 4. I’m not either. 5. I don’t either. 6. I am too. · Ex3: Lesley: I’m too. David: I do too. Lesley: me too. David: I can too. David: I don’t either. Later: Lesley: Me either. David: I don’t either. Lesley: I can’t either. David: really? · Ex4: 1. I do too. 2. No, I’m not either. 3. I can’t either. 4. Really. 5. I’m too. 6. I can too. Lesson C: Ex1: 1. Ooh, it’s cold. Can I close the window? 2. You look really nice today. That’s a beautifull jacket ? 3. Boy, the food is great. And this cake is really wonderfull ? 4. Is this first English class here? 4. Is it me, or is it kind of noisy in here? 6. Hey, I don’t know you. Do you live around here? · Ex2: 1. Um, actually, I know everybody. 2. I’m Australian, actually. 3. Actually, I think it’s ok. 4. No, it’s my sister’s actually. 5. It’s a movie, actually. 6. No, I have a job, actually. 7. Actually, I kind of like cold weather. 8. It’s late every day, actually. · Ex3: 1. Me neither. By the way, I’m james. 2. Yes, really a very big class. 4. Yes, I do have a dictionary. 5. Yes, she is. She is my friend. 6. I’m too, I like all phone. Lesson D: Ex1c: 1g;2a;3e;4b;5f;6c;7d IFINISH BOLOROO ▼ 2012 (5) ▼ March (5) The biggest festival is held in the Mongolian capi... Lesson C:Ex1: 1.1 Keiko: not really, mymom knitt... Checkpoint “Units 1-3”1 Teri:Hi. How are you ... Unit2: Lesson A: Ex1: 1. Reading... WorkbookUnit1: LessonA:· Ex1a: Ho... About Me bolortsetseg ip View my complete profile

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