Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

If I.....

Although I am not a poor man, but I would like to have so much money that I could do something for those who are less fortunate than me. I do not see any harm in having every luxury for myself, if in turn I can do something worthwhile for the poor. It has been my dream to see each child well nourished. When I see children on the streets with no food I feel great pain. Although their parents try their best, they cannot provide their children with food, clothing and shelter. Then they turn to begging.
If I were a millionaire I would do my best to provide permanent shelter, food and clothing for the poor. I would open schools for them where the children could learn I would help them to be so independent that they can find fruitful employment for themselves.
I would also build hospitals so as to provide them with good medical facilities. India has progressed a lot and we do have good medical facilities but the poor people cannot afford these. If a poor child is sick, there is every possibility that he may die due to lack of medicines and doctors. I would like to build a hospital with modern facilities where eople will get medical assistance free of cost.
I would donate money to social service organisations like destitute homes, orphanages, homes for the aged and reformatories.
Unfortunately when one becomes extremely rich, one he forget the plight of those who are less fortunate. My motto would be, "live and let live". In fact I would do all that I could for my parents too so that they may not have to break their backs working for us. I would make them so comfortable that even in their old age they would feel great to be alive. I would like to enjoy the fruits of money but I would always remain sensitive and sympathetic to the agony of those who

who my admire

 my name is boloroo 
I admire some people, but my mom is my reason to live. She is the big hero in my life and I?m going to describe her.
Her name is Alimaa??. My mom is a nurse. She loved to help other because she says it was her dream when she was a child. She works hard every day and she likes to learn something new every day. She leads a wonderful family life, she is always cheerful and happy. She has been married for 22years. My mom is ..42.. years old, but she doesn't look like it. She is not very tall, I?d rather say she is of medium height. She has a good figure, is slender. Her face is oval and nose is straight, small and a little bit snub. What make her really amazing are her big shiny green eyes. She has a beautiful smile. Her skin is soft and pale. Mum?s hair isather say she is of medium height. She has a good figure, is slender. Her face is oval and nose is straight, small and a little bit snub. What make her really amazing are her big shiny green eyes. She has a beautiful smile. Her skin is soft and pale. Mum?s hair is wavy, shoulder-length and dark. Some people says I look like her when she was teenager. I think it is true and I am happy for that. Because Mum is a very slim and shapely women, she looks good in almost everything. She always wears elegant clothes that really complement her perfect figure ? for example a long dress or a tight blouse. I admire her because she is very intelligent, ambitious and she has many goals in her life. She takes care of us because she loves us. She is also wonderful mother, very patient, sensitive and warm-hearted. She knows answers to every question, even those very silly. Being so patient and sensible, she even helps others to solve their problems. She is great fun to be with because her sense of humor is wonderful. My mother has many talents. She can type on a computer very fast. She is good singer. Generally, Mum is a warm and friendly person who loves social life, going to parties, dancing and cooking. She is very patient and careful with everything she does. She never lets social life get in the way of relationship with our. She says that family is the most important in her life.
She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be better every day. She is a good example
to me and  dancing and cooking. She is very patient and careful with everything she does. She never lets social life get in the way of relationship with our. She says that family is the most important in her life.
She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be better every day. She is a good example to me and I..

my dream

My Secret  dream
I felt funny. So funny, telling you about my life, my feeling, and my secrets. I do not know how to welcome you into my heart and soul. You see, nobody ever asked me what I though or how I felt about life’s challenges. Or maybe, they never really cared about what I thought.
My journey to Bacolod City began many years ago in Manila, Philippines. Where I was born and grew to a young lady full of energy and life. My parents called me Virgie because there was something regal about the sound. They had high hopes of my marrying a local boy from a good, wealthy family. You know the kind slick, black hair; long side burns, driving a sports car. The kind who brings you a flowers on every date.
To get even, or because I was in romantic haze. I met and married a U.S. marine from Sacramento Ca, who was stationed at our local embassy, where I also worked.
Marriage, a home in America, and two beautiful children occupied seven years of my life. Where did my life go? It went somewhere. But there is no lost and found department for a life lost in many years.
My marriage was bad. It was so bad that I cried every night for all those years. I would tell myself, you are in strange country maybe the customs are different. The children n